Cotterman Chair

The Homer and Isabelle Cotterman Distinguished Endowed Chair in Education

Affirming Capital University’s long and distinguished tradition of educating women and men for the teaching, the Homer and Isabelle Cotterman Distinguished Endowed Chair in Education:

  • supports the mission of Capital University, which focuses on the values of our Christian tradition as it applies to the nurturing and education of young adults;
  • affirms the university commitment to challenge university students to see the joy, satisfaction and rewards of choosing teaching as a career; and
  • provides a distinguished professor with the opportunity to conduct significant research, present papers, attend conferences and share ideas with the very best in the teaching profession throughout the world.


The successful candidate for The Homer and Isabelle Cotterman Distinguished Chair in Education will be a full-time, tenure-track or tenured, current or newly appointed Capital University faculty member. The chair holder will receive a 25-percent teaching load reassignment to engage in scholarship and service. Based upon available proceeds of the endowment, the chair holder may be awarded an annual summer scholarship stipend and may propose an annual budget to foster the purposes of the endowed chair. The appointee may hold the chair for a six-year term, subject to annual review and reappointment, and may be eligible for subsequent reappointment. The holder will submit a budget and an annual report of activity to the provost, the education department dean/chair, and the Cotterman Committee.

Selection Process

The Homer and Isabelle Cotterman Distinguished Chair in Education will be appointed by the president and officially named by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the appropriate faculty, the education department dean/chair, and the provost. The following individuals comprise the Cotterman Committee:

  1. the education department dean/chair;
  2. one tenured education faculty member elected by the tenured faculty of the education department;
  3. one member of the education department Advisory Board appointed by the education department dean/chair;
  4. two academic department or school deans/chairs or their designees, drawn from allied disciplines in which education students pursue a major; and
  5. a representative from the provost’s office.

The Cotterman Committee will review nominations for the professorship and recommend one or more candidates for appointment.

Ongoing Evaluation and Guidance

The chair holder will lead the Cotterman Committee and will submit a budget and an annual report of activity to the provost, the education department dean/chair, and the Cotterman Committee. The Cotterman Committee, led by the chair holder and assisted by a liaison from the Advancement division, will provide ongoing guidance to the chair holder on matters related to the endowed chair. The Cotterman Committee will also provide recommendations to the provost regarding review and reappointment as described above.